{ "header": { "notifications": "{{ notifications }} notifications", "userLinks": { "myProfile": "My Profile", "notificationSettings": "Notification Settings", "paymentHistory": "Payment History", "signOut": "Sign Out", "help": "Help" } }, "footer": { "copyright": "©2014 Liaison International.", "reserved": "All Rights Reserved.", "tertiaryLinks": { "contact": "Contact Us", "privacy": "Privacy Policy", "terms": "Terms of Use", "faqs": "Frequently Asked Questions" }, "support": { "text": "Get support for your application!", "number": "800-350-0100" }, "social": { "twitter": "Twitter", "facebook": "Facebook", "google": "Google Plus" } }, "signIn": { "login": { "title": "Welcome to the ", "instructions": "Sign in with your username and password below.", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "signIn": "Sign In", "createAccount": "Create an Account", "reapply": "Reapplying or looking for a related CAS?", "forgot": "Forgot your username or password?" }, "intro": { "title": "Welcome!" }, "welcome": { "welcomeSecondTitle": "Selecting Programs for your application", "welcomeSecondIntro": "To get started, select the programs to which you want to apply. You can add additional programs at any time before the application deadline. Your application details will be shared with the programs you choose.", "welcomeThirdTitle": "Track the Progress of your Application", "welcomeThirdIntro": "View the progress of your application anytime, anywhere. Your overview page shows at a glance how close you are to completing your application, and lets you know what you need to finish. For more details on application status, including processing status after you have submitted your application, go to the Manage My Programs section.", "welcomeForthTitle": "Manage Your Application On-the-Go", "welcomeForthIntro": "Whether riding the bus, standing in line, or relaxing at the coffeehouse, you can view and edit your application from your smart phone, tablet, or other mobile device." }, "forgotPassword": { "title": "Having trouble signing in ?", "instructions": "Having trouble remembering your password? Enter the email address associated with your account below, and we'll email instructions on how to reset your password.", "cancelReturnToSignin": "Cancel and return to Sign In", "submittedReturnToSignin": "Return to Sign In", "help": "Help is on the way!", "submittedTitle": "We have sent a message to the email associated with your account. If you do not receive it within 24 hours, please contact our support team.", "errorTitle": "An email has been sent to the address associated with your account. The message includes a link to reset your password. Please contact support if you have not received the email after a few minutes.", "errorContent": "Are you sure you didn't use a different email address to create your account? If you're still having trouble, you may need to contact us at 800-350-0100." }, "firstTimeUser": { "title": "Welcome to Applicant Gateway", "instructions": "Is it your first time visiting Applicant Gateway? Enter your email address below and we'll email you instructions on how to set up your account.", "cancelReturnToSignin": "Cancel and return to Sign In", "submittedReturnToSignin": "Return to Sign In", "help": "Help is on the way!", "errorTitle": "Sorry, we don't recognize this email address. Please try again. If you need help, please contact your System Administrator.", "errorContent": "Are you sure you didn't use a different email address to create your account? If you're still having trouble, you may need to contact us at 800-350-0100." }, "changePassword": { "title": "Change My Password", "invalidTokenTitle": "Your password reset link has expired.", "instructions": "You have requested to have your password changed. Please use the fields below to enter in a new password. Password should be 8 characters and should include both alpha and numeric characters", "invalidTokenInstructions": "The password reset link we emailed you has expired. Click the button below to recieve a new password reset link.

Remember, your reset link for only 24 hours", "password": "Password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "continueForgotPassword": "Email me the new password reset link", "continueLogin":"Continue to login" } }, "newUserAccount": { "title": "Create an Account", "instructions": "The information below will be provided to the admissions offices at the programs to which you apply. Please provide complete and accurate information. Within the application you will be able to specify additional addresses and alternate name details.", "requiredOrOptionalText": "All information is required unless noted as optional.", "name" : { "sectionTitle" : "Your Name", "title" : "Title", "firstName" : "First Name", "middleInitial" : "Middle Initial", "lastName" : "Last Name", "suffix" : "Suffix", "displayName" : "Display Name" }, "contactInfo" : { "title" : "Contact Information", "email" : "Email Address", "confirmEmail" : "Confirm Email Address", "type": "Type", "phone": { "title": "Phone Number", "type": "Type" }, "errorMessages": { "emailMatch" : "Emails must match" } }, "notifications" : { "title" : "Notification Preferences", "instructions" : "Notifications will be displayed within the application. You may also receive notifications via email. If you do not wish to receive emails, please unselect the option(s) below." }, "userNameAndPwd" : { "title" : "Username and Password", "alert" : "Alert & Notifications", "instructions" : "Your username must be at least 6 characters. Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one letter and one number or special character.", "userName" : "Username", "password" : "Password", "tip" : "Must be 8 characters long, with at least one letter and one number or special character", "confirmPassword" : "Confirm Password", "securityQuestion" : "Security Question", "securityAnswer" : "Security Answer" }, "termsAndConditions" : { "title" : "Terms and Conditions", "content" : "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.", "agreement" : "I agree to these terms" }, "submit" : { "title" : "Create my account" } }, "dashboard": { "title": "My Application", "instructions": "This dashboard is your application home providing access to each part of the application you need to complete and a high level overview of your progress.", "pageInstructions":"This page is your application home providing access to each part of the application that you need to complete and a high level overview of the progress of your application.", "categories": { "sections": "Sections Completed" }, "overview": { "myPrograms": { "title": "My Program Selections", "upcomingDeadlines": "have upcoming deadlines", "paymentRequired": "READY TO SUBMIT", "viewPrograms": "Manage My Programs" }, "latestNotifications": { "title": "Latest Notifications", "date": "Date", "viewMyNotifications": "View My Notifications" } } }, "supportingInfo": { "title": "Supporting Information", "instructions": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam de isto magna dissensio est. Praetereo multos, in bis doctum hominem et suavem, Hieronymum, quem iam cur Peripateticum appellem nescio. Quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget. Respondent extrema primis, media utrisque, omnia omnibus. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Tollitur beneficium, tollitur gratia, quae sunt vincla concordiae. Quod si ita se habeat, non possit beatam praestare vitam sapientia. Tu enim ista lenius, hic Stoicorum more nos vexat.", "documents": { "title": "Documents", "instructions": "The accepted file formats are MSWord (.doc, .docx), JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg), PNG (.png), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Portable Document Format (.pdf), and ASCII Text file (.txt). The size limit for each file upload is 15MB.

Macintosh Users: Please be sure that the appropriate extension (e.g., .doc, .docx, .pdf) is at the end of the file name you select.

IMPORTANT: Having problems uploading a PDF? With a wide variety of PDF creation software in use, it is possible that the PDF you are trying to upload is in a format that we cannot read. Upload works best with PDF files conforming to the 'Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4)' standard.", "optingOut": "I Am Not Adding Any Documents", "optOut": { "title": "You opted not to add any documents.", "instructions": "

You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submission. Once you have submitted, you will be able to add more documents, but you will not be able to update or delete.

", "addDocument": "Add Document" }, "documents": { "addDocument": "Add Document", "uploaded": "Uploaded", "editDocument": "Edit Document", "deleteDocument": "Delete Document" }, "document": { "title": "Ok, Let's Add Your Documents!", "instructions": "The accepted file formats are MSWord (.doc, .docx), JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg), PNG (.png), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Portable Document Format (.pdf), and ASCII Text file (.txt). The size limit for each file upload is 15MB.

Macintosh Users: Please be sure that the appropriate extension (e.g., .doc, .docx, .pdf) is at the end of the file name you select.

IMPORTANT: Having problems uploading a PDF? With a wide variety of PDF creation software in use, it is possible that the PDF you are trying to upload is in a format that we cannot read. Upload works best with PDF files conforming to the 'Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4)' standard", "selectFile": "Select the file to upload", "chooseFile": "Choose file", "noFile": "No file chosen", "uploadDocument": "Upload This Document" } } }, "buCredentials":{ "title": "Boston University Affiliation", "yes": "Yes, I have a Boston University affiliation", "no": "No, I do not have a Boston University affiliation", "yesAffliation":{ "instructions": "To Confirm your existing Boston University credentials using BU's Web Login process, please click this button to proceed.", "confirm": "Confirm Credentails" }, "noAffliation":{ "instructions": "To automatically create a Boston University ID in order to proceed with your application, please click the button below.", "createId": "Create ID", "completePersonalInfo": "You have not provided the necessary information needed to create the BU account, please complete the Biographic Information and Other Information sections under Personal Information to continue creating BU account.", "continuePersonalInfo": "Continue to Personal Information" }, "loginPage":{ "title": "BU Page" }, "error":{ "title": "BU Error" }, "successLogin":{ "title": "BU ID", "successTitle": "Thank you for your confirmation.", "instructions": "Your Boston University ID {{buId}} is now linked to your application." } }, "interviewScheduler": { "title": "Schedule Your Interview", "scheduledTitle": "We're looking forward to meeting you!", "instructions": "Congratulations, we've reviewed your application and would like to invite you for an interview.", "confirmationInstructions": "Your interview is confirmed for the date and time below. Please make a note of this appointment", "interviewDate": "Interview date and time: ", "selectDateLabel": "Please select your preferred date and time.", "selectOtherDateLabel": "Please select another date and time." }, "payments": { "leadoff": "Pay and Submit your Application", "selectPrograms": { "heading": "Pay and Submit", "feeCollectionHeading": "Fee Collection", "shortTitle": "Select Payments", "title": "Complete your Payment and Submit", "instructions": "Complete your payment to submit. Payment must be submitted prior to the deadline date.", "availablePrograms": { "title": "Select Payment", "tooltip": "

Why can't I see all of my programs?

You can only pay for programs that are complete, so we're only showing the applications that are ready to be submitted.

", "programDeadlinePassedTooltip": { "title": "The deadline has passed", "content": "You cannot select the program to include in your order as the deadline for this program has passed." }, "sort": { "label": "Sort by" }, "headingName": "Payment Name", "headingDate": "Deadline", "headingFees": "Amount", "status": "In-Progress" } }, "paymentDetails": { "shortTitle": "Payment Details", "title": "Enter Your Payment Details", "instructions": "Select your preferred payment method below.", "paymentMethod": { "title": "Credit Card", "cardName": "Name as it appears on card", "creditCardNumber": "Credit Card Number", "validCard": "Please enter a valid credit card number.", "validCvv": "Please enter a valid code.", "cardType": "Card Type", "expiration": "Expiration", "expirationMonth": "Expiration Month", "expirationYear": "Expiration Year", "ccvCode": "CVV Code", "ccvCodeTip": "Tooltip content", "nameError":"Enter valid name" }, "billingAddress": { "title": "Billing Address", "permanentAddress": "My permanent address", "currentAddress": "My current address", "differentAddress": { "title": "Use a different address", "streetAddressOne": "Street Address 1", "streetAddressTwo": "Street Address 2", "city": "City", "state": "State/Province/Region", "zip": "Zip/Postal Code", "country": "Country/Territory" } } }, "reviewAndPay": { "shortTitle": "Review and Pay", "title": "Review and Pay", "instructions": "

This is the last step in the payment process. Please review the order details below and select continue to submit your payment.

", "orderDetails": { "title": "Order Details", "warning": { "title": "The program applications you are paying for will submit upon payment.", "content": "

Once you pay & submit your application, you will not be able to edit specific portions of your application. The following sections of your application will lock upon submission:

" }, "lockConfirmation": { "title": "Please confirm that you understand your application will lock after you pay below:", "label": "Your responses to this section cannot be edited once you pay and submit. By checking this box you are indicating that the information you have provided is accurate and complete, and you are acknowledging you understand your payment is non-refundable." } }, "selectedPrograms": { "title": "Selected Payment", "deadline": "Deadline:", "confirmationSingular": "Would you like to submit the {{ number }} completed application along with payment?", "confirmation": "Would you like to submit the {{ number }} completed applications along with payment?", "tooltip": "Lorem ipsum" }, "paymentDetails": { "title": "Payment Details", "paymentMethod": { "title": "Payment Method" }, "billingAddress": { "title": "Billing Address", "permanentAddress": "My permanent address", "currentAddress": "My current address", "differentAddress": "Use a different address" } } }, "paymentSubmitted": { "title": "Your Payment Has Been Submitted!", "instructions": "

Information on previous payments is available in Payment History under your User Profile. Please print a copy of this page for your records.

", "paymentDate": "Payment Date", "orderNumber": "Order #", "dashboard": "Go to Application Dashboard", "receipt": "Print a Receipt", "paidPrograms": { "title": "Programs Paid For", "headers": { "programName": "Program Name", "status": "Submission Status", "deadline": "Deadline" }, "deadline": "Deadline", "status": "Submitted", "totalSelected": "Total Programs Submitted", "totalDue": "Total Due" }, "paymentDetails": { "title": "Payment Details", "paymentMethod": "Payment Method", "nameOnCard": "Name on Card", "billingAddress": "Billing Address" } }, "paymentNotSubmitted":{ "title": "Your Payment Was Declined!", "reason": "Reason", "instructions": "Sorry, we were unable to complete payment. Please verify your payment information and try again. If you continue to experience issues, contact customer service.", "paymentSection": "Back to Payment Details" }, "summary": { "title": "Order Summary", "empty": "Your cart is empty.", "instructions": "Select available programs from the list to the left to continue.", "firstProgram": "First Program", "additionalPrograms": "Additional Programs", "totalPrograms": "Total Programs Selected", "totalDue": "Total Due", "continue": "Continue", "submit": "Submit", "paymentHelp": "Need help paying for your programs?", "feeAssistanceWaiver":"Fee Assistance Waiver" } }, "profile": { "userAccount": { "title": "My Profile", "instructionsAndFAQs":"Instructions and FAQs", "description": "Below is the current information used to create your account. If you need to update or change any of the following information, you can do that here. Once all changes are complete, click on 'Save Changes' below.", "savechanges": "Save Changes", "yourName": { "sectionTitle": "Your Name", "title": "Title", "firstName": "First Name", "middleInitial": "Middle Initial", "lastName": "Last Name", "suffix": "Suffix", "displayName": "Display Name" }, "contactInformation": { "title": "Contact Information", "emailAddress": "Email Address", "confirmEmailAddress": "Confirm Email Address", "type" : "Type", "phoneNumber": "Phone Number", "phoneType": "Type" }, "accountInformation": { "title": "Account Information", "username": "User Name", "password": "Password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", "securityQuestion": "Security Question", "passwordPlaceholder": "Leave blank if not changing your password", "securityAnswer": "Security Answer", "usernameError":"User Name already exists", "passwordError":"Passwords must match" }, "errorMessages" : { "emailMatch": "Emails must match." } }, "paymentHistory": { "title": "Payment History", "description": "Below is your payment history.", "myPayments": "My Payments", "order": "Order", "date": "Payment Date", "fees": "Total Fees", "feeWaiver": "Fee Waiver", "payment": "Payment", "paid": "Programs In This Order", "method": "Payment Method", "name": "Name on Card", "view": "View Order Details", "paymentStatus": "Payment Status" }, "feeWaiver":{ "title":"Fee Waiver Request Form", "instructions":{ "instruction1":"Submit your fee waiver request before you e-submit your application.
Fee waivers cannot be awarded or applied to applications after e-submission.", "instruction2":"The deadline to apply for a fee waiver in the {{applicationCycle}} is June 30, 2015." }, "FAQ":{ "question1":"What is a fee waiver?", "answer1":"A fee waiver is an application fee discount granted to applicants who apply for the waiver and who meet the specific financial requirements described in the {{casName}} instructions. The amount of the fee waiver covers your first {{casName}} program application fee, in the amount of $ {{applicationFee}}", "question2":"How do I get a fee waiver?", "answer2":"There are a limited number of fee waivers available in each application cycle, and they are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information about how to qualify for a fee waiver, see the {{casName}} Instructions and FAQ", "question3":"To apply for a fee waiver, do the following:", "answer3":"", "question4":"How will I know if I've been awarded a fee waiver?", "answer4":"When a decision is made on your fee waiver application, {{casName}} will notify you through your application, and will also send you an email. All fee waiver decisions are final.", "question5":"How do I use my fee waiver?", "answer5":"If you are awarded a fee waiver, you have 30 calendar days from the award date to e-submit your application. The fee waiver amount will automatically be applied to your first {{casName}} program fee. You must submit $ {{additionalFee}} for each additional {{casName}} designation at the time you e-submit your application.", "answer6":"If you do not e-submit your application within 30 calendar days after the fee waiver award date, your fee waiver is automatically forfeited. If you forfeit your fee waiver, you cannot submit another fee waiver request during this application cycle." }, "formTitle":"Please provide the following information:", "annualIncomeText": "Annual Income", "annualIncome":"My household's annual income for the year {{taxYear}} was:", "numberOfHouseholdsError":"Number of household members is required.", "minNumberOfHouseholdsError":"Minimum 1 household member is required.", "numberOfHouseholds":"The current number of members in my household is:", "attachmentConfirmation":"I have attached a copy of my {{taxYear}} Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040 or Form 1040EZ) to confirm the amount indicated above. I understand that my request will not be considered without this document.", "selectFile":"Select the file to upload", "chooseFile":"Choose File", "submit":"Submit", "submitted":"You have submitted your Fee Assistance request.", "submittedText":"We have received your Fee Assistance request. You will be notified via email when a decision is reached." } }, "newUser": { "selectPrograms": { "title": "Select the Programs to Which You Want to Apply", "instructions": "Select at least one program to start your application. You can add additional programs from the Full Programs List page at any time." }, "reviewProgramSelection": { "title": "Review Your Program Selections", "instructions": "Below are the programs you have selected. If you are ready to start your application, click the Continue To My Application button below. Missing a Program? Click Add More Programs. You can add more programs at anytime." } }, "misc": { "backTo": "Back to", "continue": "Continue", "nextSection": "Continue to Next Section", "optional": "Optional", "save": "Save", "dataFormat":"MM/DD/YYYY", "getStarted": "Great! Let's Get Started.", "myProgramSelectionsHeaderBar": { "totalProgramsSelectedLabel": "Programs Selected", "totalProgramsInProgressLabel": "Programs In Progress", "applicationReceived": "Application Recevied", "totalProgramsInProgressDescription": "Review the status of the individual programs that you have paid for.", "totalFeesLabel": "Total Fees", "newUserReviewButton": "I am Done, Review My Selections", "newUserContinueButton": "Continue To My Application", "myProgramSelectionsButton": "Pay For My Programs" }, "modals": { "global": { "close": "Close" }, "accountCreated": { "title": "Account Created", "content": "

Your account has been successfully created.

", "continue": "Continue" }, "userDetailsUpdated": { "title": "Account Updated", "content": "

Your account details have been successfully updated.

", "continue": "Continue" }, "feeWaiverSubmitted": { "title": "Fee Waiver Submitted", "content": "

Your fee assistance request form has been successfully submitted.

", "continue": "Close" }, "savedSuccessfully": { "title": "Saved Successfully", "content": "

Your info has been successfully saved.

", "continue": "Continue to Next Section", "returnHome": "Go to Dashboard" }, "sessionNotSaved": { "title": "Information Not Saved", "content": "

You are about to leave this page. Any unsaved information on this page will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave?

", "continue": "Yes, I don't need to save anything", "returnHome": "No, let me save my information" }, "sessionTimeout": { "title": "Your Session will timeout in", "content": "

Your session is about to time out due to inactivity. All unsaved work will be lost.

", "continue": "Continue working", "timerCount": "3:00" }, "errorSaving": { "title": "Error saving", "content": "

Error saving your info.

Required fields may be missing, please check and click Save button

", "continue": "Close", "returnHome": "Go to Dashboard" }, "deleteHighSchool": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this high school?", "content": "If you delete this high school, you will lose all the information you entered for it.", "cancel": "No, Cancel", "delete": "Yes, Delete This Highschool" }, "deleteCollege": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this college?", "content": "If you delete this college, you will lose all the information you entered for it.", "cancel": "No, Cancel", "delete": "Yes, Delete This College" }, "deleteCollegeTranscript": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Transcript?", "content": "If you delete this Transcript, you will lose all the information you entered for it.", "cancel": "No, Cancel", "delete": "Yes, Delete This Transcript" }, "deleteTerm": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete the {{ term.term }} {{ term.year }} {{ termType }}", "content": "This {{ termType | lowercase}} contains {{ term.courses.length }} course in it.", "contentPlural": "This {{ termType | lowercase}} contains {{ term.courses.length }} courses in it.", "noCourseContent":"This term does not contain any courses.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It!", "delete": "Yes, Delete this {{ termType }}" }, "deleteStandardizedTest":{ "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this test?", "content": "If you delete this test, you will lose all the information you entered for it.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Test" }, "deleteProgram": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this program selection?", "content": "If you delete this program from your selections list, this program's content will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Program" }, "resubmitProgram": { "title": "Are you sure you want to redeliver this program?", "content": "", "cancel": "Cancel", "resubmit": "Yes, Redeliver this Program" }, "deleteDocument": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this document?", "content": "If you delete this document from your list, this document will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Document" }, "leaveTranscriptEntry": { "title": "Are you sure you want to leave Transcript Entry?", "content": "We will always save your progress so you can pick up your work where you left off.", "cancel": "No, Keep Working", "continue": "Yes, Save and Exit" }, "deleteAchievement": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this achievement?", "content": "If you delete this achievement from your list, this achievement will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Achievement" }, "deleteLicense": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this license?", "certificationTitle": "Are you sure you want to delete this license or certification?", "certificationContent": "If you delete this license or certification from your list, this license will no longer appear in your application.", "content": "If you delete this license from your list, this license will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this License", "deleteCertification": "Yes, Delete this License or Certification" }, "deleteEvaluation": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this {{label}}?", "content": "If you delete this {{label}} from your list, this {{label}} will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this {{label}}" }, "deleteExperience": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this experience?", "content": "If you delete this experience from your list, this experience will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Experience" }, "deleteDegree": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this degree?", "content": "If you delete this degree from your list, this degree will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Degree" }, "savedQuestions": { "title": "Saved Successfully", "applicationSavingContent": "

You have chosen to submit this activity. Once this activity is submitted no further edits can be made.

", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close" }, "changePassword": { "title": "Password Changed", "content": "Your new password have been successfully saved", "continue":"Continue to login", "close": "Close" }, "neverAttendedCollege": { "title": "Confirm College Not Attended", "content": "If you confirm you haven't attended college, then you don't need to enter colleges attended and transcripts", "confirm":"Confirm", "cancel": "Cancel" }, "deleteContinuingEducationCourse":{ "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this course?", "content": "If you delete this course from your list, this course will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Course" }, "deleteResidenciesAndFellowship":{ "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Residence or Fellowship?", "content": "If you delete this Residence or Fellowship from your list, this will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Residence or Fellowship" }, "deleteCredentialsAndCertifications":{ "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Credentials or Certification?", "content": "If you delete this Credentials or Certification from your list, this will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Credentials or Certification" }, "deleteMemberships": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Membership?", "content": "If you delete this Membership from your list, this membership will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Membership" }, "deleteFamilyMember": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Family Member?", "content": "If you delete this Family Member from your list, this family member will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Family Member" }, "diplomaInNursing": { "title": "Are you sure you want to delete this Diploma?", "content": "If you delete this Diploma from your list, this Diploma will no longer appear in your application.", "cancel": "No, Don't Delete It", "delete": "Yes, Delete this Diploma" } }, "section": { "blocked": { "instructions": "This section is best viewed on a larger screen.", "overview": "For the optimal experience with this section, please open your application on a device with a larger screen (tablet or desktop works best).", "returnToDashboard": "Return to Dashboard" } }, "formElements": { "file": { "chooseFile": "Choose file", "noFile": "No file chosen" } }, "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "undo": "Undo" }, "common": { "validation": { "field": { "required": "{{name}} is required." } } }, "prerequisites": { "title": "Prerequisites", "subTitle": "Select Your {{courseName}} Course", "minCredits":"Minimum Credits", "minGrades":"Minimum Grades", "assignCourse": "Assign Course", "lab": "Lab Only", "lecture": "Lecture With Lab", "courseCode": "Course Code", "courseWork": "You have not added any coursework yet!", "courseTitle": "Course Title", "school": "Harvard University", "courseTaken": "When did you take this course?", "academicHistoryButton": "Go to the Academic History", "grade": "Grade", "example":"Ex: Organic Chemistry", "amcLanguage": { "courseNumber": "Course Number", "amcGrade": "AMCAS Grade", "semesterHours":"Semester Hours", "classification": "Classification" }, "noCourseWork":{ "title":"You have not added any coursework yet!", "instructions":"This program requires you to identify courses you have taken that fulfill the prerequisites listed below. Click the 'Go to Transcript Entry' button to enter the appropriate courses, then return to this page to identify which courses fulfill each prerequisite. ", "button":"Go to Transcript Entry" }, "save": "Save and Exit", "complete": "Complete Activity", "prerequisiteTable":{ "name":"Prerequisites for this program", "credits":"Credits", "grade":"Grade", "description":"Description" }, "prerequisitesNotNeeded":{ "title":"You do not have to enter Prerequisites, you have added only foreign colleges attended", "instructions":"" }, "prerequisitesOptOut":{ "title":"You opted not to enter any colleges attended, you do not have to enter any prerequisites.", "instructions":"" }, "courseOptingOut":"I Am Not Matching Any Courses to this Prerequisite", "optOut":{ "title":"You opted not to match any courses to this prerequisite.", "instructions":"You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submission. Once you have submitted, you may not match any courses to prerequisites.", "addAchievement":"Match Courses to this Prerequisite" }, "prerequisiteNotMatched":"You have elected not to match a course to this prerequisite.", "transcripts": { "title": "Transcript Entry", "transcriptsNotNeeded":{ "title":"You do not need to enter any coursework for the programs you have selected.", "instructions":"" }, "optOut": { "title": "You opted not to add any colleges, so there will be no transcripts", "instructions": "You can add colleges and transcripts for colleges any time before submitting the application. Once the application is submitted, you will not be able to add any colleges and transcripts" }, "optOutTranscripts":{ "optOutButton":"I Am Not Adding Any College Transcripts", "title": "You opted not to add any college transcripts, so there will be no transcripts", "instructions": "You can add college transcripts for colleges any time before submitting the application. Once the application is submitted, you will not be able to add any colleges and transcripts", "button":"Add Your Transcripts" }, "error": { "instructions": "The Colleges Attended section has not been completed!", "overview": "You must complete the Colleges Attended portion of your application before you can complete Transcript Entry.", "button": "Go to Colleges Attended Section" }, "notRequired": { "title": "Your application does not require you to input your transcript information into your application.", "instructions": "Some programs you apply to may require you to input prerequisites, but you can take care of that in the Programs section of your application.", "continue": "Great! Continue to Next Section" }, "noCollegesAttended": { "title": "The Colleges Attended section has not been completed.", "instructions": "You must complete the Colleges Attended portion of your application before you can complete Transcript Entry", "gpaInstructions": "You must complete the Colleges Attended portion of your application before you can complete GPA Entry", "continue": "Go to Colleges Attended Section" }, "overview": "

Instructions and helpful information about this section. Nullam tellus libero, auctor ut pharetra a, pretium quis nunc. Sed interdum in lorem ut blandit. Sed in pulvinar velit, ut suscipit nulla. Proin vehicula ipsum in dignissim tempor. Mauris sagittis vitae felis et auctor.

Aliquam vitae tempus ipsum. Suspendisse tempus purus libero, et blandit nisi vestibulum in. Sed convallis dictum diam sed mattis. Aenean nisi turpis, porta eget elementum sit amet, aliquet quis lectus. Etiam adipiscing odio nec elementum aliquet.

Quisque elementum ligula aliquet sodales interdum, dolor risus vestibulum orci, in ornare lacus felis vitae ante. Ut at vehicula quam. Nunc vitae vestibulum diam.

Ligula aliquet sodales interdum, dolor risus vestibulum orci, in ornare lacus felis vitae ante. Ut at vehicula quam. Nunc vitae vestibulum diam, non ornare tellus.

Elementum ligula aliquet sodales interdum, dolor risus vestibulum orci, in ornare lacus felis vitae ante. Ut at vehicula quam. Nunc vitae vestibulum diam.

", "saveTimeText": "Is entering your coursework taking too long?
Save significant time and ensure accuracy by having our specialists do it for you.", "saveTimeButton": "Tell me more", "transcript": { "title": "Transcript", "save": "Save and Exit", "previewTitle": "Transcript Preview:", "system": "{{termType}} System", "termInstructions": "Alright, start by adding a {{termType | lowercase}}.", "courseInstructions": "Ok, great. Next let's add the courses you took during this {{termType | lowercase}}.", "confirmation": "Success! Now add the rest of your courses, making sure to add them under their proper {{termType | lowercase}}.", "addTermButton": "Add {{termType}}", "addCourseButton": "Add A Course", "selectTerm": "Select a Term", "selectYear": "Select a Year", "selectAcademicStatus": "Select Academic Status", "inProgress":"In progress / planned", "addATerm": "Add a Term", "editATerm": "Edit Term", "overview": "NursingCAS calculates a Nursing GPA from all courses with the subject \"Nursing\". Please use Nursing as the subject only if the course is clearly a Nursing course. Do not mark prerequisite courses in other subject areas (such as an Anatomy and Physiology course) with the subject of Nursing or your application will be sent back to you, and this will result in delays in submitting your application. If your program chooses to collect prerequisites, you will be prompted to identify prerequisites for each program within the Program Materials section of the application." }, "course": { "courseCode": "Course Code", "courseTitle": "Course Title", "subject": "Subject", "credits": "Credits", "grade": "Grade", "convertedGrade": "CAS Grade", "moveCourse": "Move Course", "totalCredits": "Total Credits", "totalGrade": "Total GPA", "transferable": "Transferable", "courseAdded": "Course Added", "labOnly": "Lab Only", "labAndLecture": "Lecture+Lab", "instructions":"Enter your courses first. For any courses you took that fall outside of the typical academic statuses, choose Freshman. After you enter all courses, you will start Transcript Review where you will be asked to identify courses that are Repeated, Advanced Placement, Other Tests, Honors, and Study Abroad." }, "transcriptReview": { "title": "Transcript Review", "transcriptReviewButton": "Review & Finalize My Transcripts", "instructionsTitle": "Welcome to Transcript Review.", "transcriptReviewDescription" : "Ready to finalize your transcripts? First, preview each transcript to ensure you have entered all of your coursework exactly as it appears on your transcripts.

Next, continue to Transcript Review to finalize this section of your application. You will be asked to identify additional attributes about your coursework, so keep your transcripts handy.", "instructions": "Your transcripts will be reviewed by a quality assurance team. It is important that you have entered your coursework exactly as it appears on your transcripts. If there are inaccuracies, your application will be sent back to you, and this will result in delays in submitting your application. Check your work now if you are unsure.

When you are ready, continue with Transcript Review to finalize this section of your application. You will be asked to identify additional attributes about your coursework, so keep your transcripts handy.", "getStartedButton": "Great. Let's Get Started.", "primarySchool": { "question": "Which one of these is your Primary College?", "instructions": "Your primary college is the college or university where you will earn (or have earned) your first bachelor's degree." }, "honors": { "question": "Did you take any Honors Courses?", "instructions": "If you had any honors courses you entered in your transcripts, then you should select \"Yes\" below.", "select": "Select Your Honors Courses Below", "selectOverview": "Identify honors courses from each college you attended.

To move between colleges, select the college name from the list on the left." }, "labs":{ "question": "Did you take any Lab Courses?", "instructions": "Select \"Yes\" if you took science courses that were Lab Only or Lecture with Lab.", "reviewHeader": "Select your Lab Courses", "reviewDescription": "Indicate if each science course was Lab Only or Lecture with Lab.", "eligibleWarning": "Only lab-eligible coursework is shown." }, "advancedPlacement": { "question": "Did you receive credit for any Advanced Placement exams?", "instructions": "If you have any course credits fulfilled by Advanced Placement exams and clearly marked as Advanced Placement on your transcript, then you should select \"Yes\" below.", "select": "Select Your Advanced Placement Credit Courses Below", "selectOverview1": "Identify course credits fulfilled by Advanced Placement exams. Select courses only clearly marked as Advanced Placement on your transcript. If you identify courses as Advanced Placement that do not match the transcript, your selection will be modified during the verification process.", "selectOverview2": "You will be identifying other types of test credits (if applicable) as your next step, so please select Advanced Placement credits only." }, "otherTest": { "question": "Did you receive credit for any additional tests other than Advanced Placement exams?", "instructions": "If you have course credits fulfilled by tests other than Advanced Placement exams (such as CLEP, Department Exam, Institutional Exam, International Baccalaureate, and the Regents Exam) and clearly marked as a test credit on your transcript, then you should select \"Yes\" below.", "select": "Select Course Credits
Fulfilled by Other Tests Below", "selectOverview": "Identify course credits fulfilled by tests other than Advanced Placement exams. Common test types include: CLEP, Department Exam, Institutional Exam, International Baccalaureate, and the Regents Exam. Please select courses only if they are identified on your transcript as a test credit." }, "repeated": { "question": "Did you repeat any classes?", "instructions": "If you had to repeat any of the courses you entered in your transcripts, then you should select \"Yes\" below.", "select": "Select Your Repeat Courses Below", "selectOverview1": "Identify courses repeated from each college you attended. Mark all attempts to take a course as Repeated including the final attempt. {{casname}} will include the credits from all attempts in your overall {{casname}} GPA.", "selectOverview2": "Note: courses should be marked repeated only if repeated at the same institution. If you took a course at one institution and later repeated it at another institution, it should not be marked repeated. Withdrawn courses and courses taken multiple times for new credit (such as physical education courses) are also not considered repeated.", "selectOverview1_AACOMAS":"If you repeated a course, mark the first attempt and each additional attempt at the same or a different institution as \"Repeated\". Do not mark withdrawn attempts as a repeated course. You must enter the full credit value for all attempts of the repeated courses.", "selectOverview2_AACOMAS":"Note: Withdrawn courses and courses taken multiple times for new credit (such as physical education courses) are not considered repeated.", "selectOverview1_OPTOMCAS":"OptomCAS will take the most recent grade received in a repeated course whether it is higher or lower than the first time it was taken. If you have a repeated course, enter the first grade in the College Courses Completed but leave the hours as zero. Enter the hours and grade for the course that was taken most recently to replace the repeated course. During the Transcript Review process, indicate that you have repeated a course, and mark the final attempts of any repeated courses as such." }, "studyAbroad": { "question": "Did you take any courses while studying abroad?", "instructions": "If any of the courses you entered in your transcripts are studied abroad, then you should select \"Yes\" below.", "select": "Select Your Study Abroad Courses Below", "selectOverview": "Identify courses you studied abroad from each college you attended.

To move between colleges, select the college name from the list on the left." }, "selector": { "coursesSelected": "Courses Selected", "continueButton": "I am Done, Continue", "transcript": "Transcript", "addCourse": "Add Course", "lab": "Lab Only", "lecture": "Lecture With Lab" }, "completeTitle": "Congratulations,
Transcript Entry is complete.", "completeText": "To get updates on the quality assurance review of your transcript entry and receipt of your official transcripts, visit the My Programs section. This status will be visible only after you have paid and e-submitted your first application.", "auCompleteText":"The {{casName}} Academic Update period is now open. You may submit your transcript entry updates ONE TIME during this time period. The {{casName}} Academic Update period closes at 11:59PM Eastern Time on {{auEndDateString}}.

Click the Submit My Updates button to send your updated transcript entry to the programs to which you have applied.

To get updates on the quality assurance review of your updated transcript entry and receipt of your updated official transcripts, visit the My Programs section.", "auSubmitButton":"Submit My Updates" }, "status": { "not_arrived": "Not Arrived", "verified": "Verified", "verifying": "Verifying", "completed": "Completed" } } }, "competencies": { "title": "Competencies", "subTitle": "Add Experience to {{competencyName}}", "assignExperience": "Assign Experience", "complete": "Complete Activity", "save": "Save and Exit", "competencyOptingOut":"I Am Not Matching Any Experiences to this Competency", "competencyNotMatched":"You opted not to match any experiences to this competency.", "competenciesOptOut":{ "title":"You opted not to enter any experiences, you do not have to enter any competencies.", "instructions":"" }, "optOut":{ "title":"You opted not to match any experiences to this competency.", "instructions":"You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submission. Once you have submitted, you may not match any experiences to comtencies.", "addAchievement":"Match Experiences to this Competency" }, "table": { "addExperience:": "Add Experience", "removeExperience:": "Remove Experience", "name": "Experience Name", "totalHours": "Total Hours", "startDate": "Start Date", "endDate": "End Date", "experienceAdded": "Experience Added" } } }